
Do you guarantee or warranty the quality of your work?

Puptrait Studio pet photo prints are guaranteed to be 100% free of printing and manufacturing errors, such as streaks and tears.

Please note that while we take great lengths to ensure consistency throughout the proofing process, we can not guarantee variations in tone, luminosity or saturation for the simple fact that we have zero control over how your computer’s monitor is calibrated.

How do I return a damaged order?

If you do receive flawed prints, return the item in its original packaging within 14 days of receipt, and we will replace the faulty prints at no additional charge. To initiate a return, please contact the Puptrait Studio directly.

Do you warranty against damage caused by the sun, moisture or improper handling?

We are not responsible for damage caused to prints after they have been received by the customer. To help minimize the risk of fading, bubbling, cracking or peeling, we recommend that  you keep your dog’s photo prints in a controlled temperature environment, free of excess humidity and away from direct exposure to natural light. To help prevent wrinkling and creasing, be sure to never fold or roll your prints.

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