
Cute Puppy Pictures from Bella’s Bully Buddies

Cute pitbull puppy pictures from the Puptrait Studio in Washington D.C., featuring the lovable foster dogs of Bella's Bully Buddies. Our favorite foster and dog rescue group in the Mid Atlantic region.

Dog photographers will give all sorts of reasons why they volunteer so much of their time to rescues and nonprofit foster groups. But this recent puppy photoshoot with Bella’s Bully Buddies proves without a doubt any of us signed up to take dog portraits in the first place. It’s all about the puppies!

Photographing puppies and younger dogs can be a little more difficult than working with adult or even senior dogs. They’re generally less well trained (they are babies after all). So, accidents and spills are quite common. And, these adorable bundles of joy generally wear out pretty quick — as growing can often be tough work and require lots of naps. But being able to work with these dogs is well worth the effort.

Just check out the adorable overload contained in this set of cute puppy pictures!


One of my favorite things about working with Bella’s is their commitment to holistic care of their fosters. The group does an amazing job ensuring that their dogs are cared for properly. They care for all aspects of the dog’s health through careful treatment through nutrition, positive training, socialization and lots of safe puppy exercise – ensuring that all aspects of the dog’s health are accounted for. Whether it’s a cute puppy or a lovable senior friend, if you’re thinking about adding a new dog to your family, we could not recommend adopting through Bella’s Bully Buddies enough.

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