
Tag : environmental pet portrait

13 Apr 2019
Action shot photo of a cute American Bulldog Terrier running along the Baltimore Inner Harbor at the Canton Waterfront Park. This photo was captured by the professional dog photographers at the Puptrait Studio in Hampden and is featured in a tutorial teaching aspiring pet photographers how to photograph running dogs like a pro.

How to Photograph a Running Dog

Written by J.B. Shepard, a professional pet photographer and founder of the Puptrait Studio. Photographing a running dog isn’t a simple task. In fact, taking great pictures of running dogs consistently can be down right difficult — as it requires a photographer to understand dog behaviors, how to use artificial light sources / light modifiers, how their camera functions in extreme conditions, and how to frame less than optimal scenes. But with proper understanding of the hurdles specific to these […]

28 Mar 2019
A black and white photo of a cute pug beagle mix (Puggle dog) in front of the pagoda in Patterson Park in Butcher's Hill Baltimore.

Dog Portraits with Baltimore Landmarks

Best places for dog photoshoots in Maryland Photographing dog portraits on location and in front of landmarks in Baltimore can be difficult. It’s one of the main reasons why we maintain a dog friendly photo studio. Half the battle is just finding the right location and angle to set up for your pup’s photoshoot. Baltimore (like most large cities) is filled with sights, sounds and smells that can be extremely distracting for even well trained dogs – including other furry […]